We are excited to have you check us out!

Worship Services 9:00AM | 10:30AM
TBC has two identical worship services that center around biblical teaching, contemporary worship and praise, and prayer.
Every message you will hear from us is grounded in God's Word, giving eternal relevance to our lives today and spreading the hope of Jesus. We encourage everyone to bring a Bible and follow along with us or join us on our APP! If you do not have a Bible, stop a pastor and we will get you a free ESV Study Bible!
Nursery: We have a nursery room filled with age appropriate toys for newborn-2 years-old
Children: 3-year-old-5th Grade
Students: 6th-12th Grade have two programs -
- Sunday 9:00am, 10:30am
Children: 3-year-old-5th Grade
- Sundays: Children Church 9:00am, 10:30am
- Wednesdays (September-April): AWANA 6:30pm-7:30pm
Students: 6th-12th Grade have two programs -
- Sunday School: 9:00am, Conference Room
- Sunday Youth Group: 5:43pm-7:43pm, Youth Room

Sunday Mornings
Where Do I Enter?
Our Main entrance is under the awning at the southwest glass doors. As you enter our building, you'll be in our fellowship hall with our sanctuary straight ahead.
Where can I get further information and get connected?
Visit with our pastors in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday mornings or connect with us here!
What Should I Wear?
We want you to come as you are! Many of us dress casually in comfortable clothing.
Do You Serve Coffee at TBC?
We certainly do! We have a coffee bar available to all people who come through our doors! Donations are available, but our coffee is free!
To Know God and Make Him Known
Here at TBC we seek to give each person Know, Grow, and Go.
Know Jesus Christ personally for salvation from your sins and the wrath of God.
Grow through the sanctifying Holy Spirit, for we are called to be Holy, because God is Holy.
Go with God into the world and proclaim His good news of salvation.
Here at TBC we seek to give each person Know, Grow, and Go.
Know Jesus Christ personally for salvation from your sins and the wrath of God.
Grow through the sanctifying Holy Spirit, for we are called to be Holy, because God is Holy.
Go with God into the world and proclaim His good news of salvation.
- We believe the Bible is God’s Word given by divine inspiration, the record of God’s revelation of Himself to humanity. (2 Timothy 3:16).
- We believe in the one living and true God, perfect in wisdom, sovereignty, holiness, justice, mercy and love who exists eternally in 3 persons, The Father, The Son The Holy Spirit (1 Timothy 1:17; Psalm 86:15; Deuteronomy 32:3-4).
- We believe God created an order of spiritual beings called angels to serve Him and do His will (Psalm 148:1-5; Colossians 1:16).
- We believe God created man in His own image to have fellowship with Himself and to be steward over His creation (Genesis 1:26-28).
- We believe salvation is redemption by Christ of the whole person from sin and death (2 Timothy 1:9-10; 1 Thessalonians 5:23).
- We believe the Church is the body of which Christ is the head and all who believe in Him are members (Ephesians 1:22-23; Romans 12:4-5).
- We believe religious liberty, rooted in Scripture, is the inalienable right of all individuals to freedom of conscience with ultimate accountability to God (Genesis 1:27; John 8:32; 2 Corinthians 3:17; Romans 8:21; Acts 5:29).
- We believe Christians, individually and collectively, are salt and light in society (Matthew 5:13-16).
- We believe God, in His own time and in His own way, will bring all things to their appropriate end and establish the new heaven and the new earth (Ephesians 1:9-10, Revelation 21:1).
(Adopted by the NAB Conference delegates, July 5-9, 2006; revision approved by the General Council, May 14, 2011).