Mission Updates

Missions Update 2023

Our Deaconess of Foreign Missions, Doris Giedt has a missions update for TBC. Check out her information on the Missions we support!

Brandon and Marci Jones

Our work is to train church leaders in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, which of the 11.5 million people, only 2% are gospel-believing Christians. We partner with the baptist seminary in the capital city of Porto Alegre,. We offer a 2 1/2 year pastoral formation course. We also partner with Kairos University in Sioux Falls, SD to offer Master and Doctoral degrees through our program called Kairos Brasil. Learn more HERE

L & S – Central Asia

Our family will be serving the frontier people groups of a country where nearly the entire population practices Islam. Our focus will be serving the community through business, evangelism and discipleship. We will work to identify a need in the community which fits our giftings and create a sustainable business that a local could use to provide for their family. God willing, this business will lead to many relationships and opportunities to share the Gospel in a context considered "unreached." Pray for our boldness and that hearts are prepared to hear the Good News.

Global Surge: Phillipines

 Global Surge exists as a church planting urban ministry committed to reaching this generation for Christ and transforming them into reproducing disciples that will reach the world.

Ryan and Laura jensen

Ryan and Laura Jensen focused not only bringing students to church as part of the Christmas outreach, especially during the Perfect Gift and Christmas Eve services. One Iranian student who came cried through the whole Christmas Eve service and sang every song. We also supported the local Iranian student association in celebrating Yalda (Iranian holiday). We met new students, helped students move into new apartments loaning out our van when we couldn’t go ourselves. Ryan is at the Vision conference with 6 students from Iowa State, there are many students who are experiencing the gospel for the first time this week. With the airline problems and winter storms it hasn’t been easy but we know Gods word will reach their hearts just at it has done with many students before. Please continue to pray for health, Ryan had surgery to reattach a nerve on his hand this month and Laura and the kids are going through covid. Pray for us as we reach out to all the new students coming this next month. Thank you for your support it really does mean so much and is vital to our ministry!

ShaN Reed:  Japan

Shan has been working with North American Baptist Conference in southern Osaka for the majority of her 20 years in Japan.  The NAB has been in Japan since the early 1950s planting churches, teaching English, and working in leadership development.  Shan has been a part of the ministry of Komyo Christian Church since it was planted in 2009 and continues to help in the ministry there as well as in youth and women’s ministry throughout the Japan Baptist Conference, our sister conference.


Christian Mission Aid

 Christian Mission Aid is a non-profit international organization ministering to the people in Africa for over 35 years. CMA has enjoyed a long and wonderful partnership with Temple Baptist Church, together serving the Lord in meeting the spiritual and physical needs of the most vulnerable people in Africa and reaching out with the love of God to the “least of these”. 

Timothy Initiative